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Pedagogical Resources

Koehler Center Classroom Observation

A classroom observation conducted by the Koehler Center can help you see your class from a new perspective and give you ideas about how to enhance learning for your students. A Koehler Center classroom observation focuses specifically on pedagogical practices in terms of their impact on learning, and seeks to find evidence of a wide variety of best-practices.

Click here to learn more.

Midsemester Student Surveys

The Koehler Center team is available to help you develop midsemester student surveys to collect feedback on your teaching. Administering student surveys in the middle of the semester means you have time to reinforce the instructional practices that are effective and make adjustments to improve learning before the class is over.

Click here to learn more.

Center for Writing

The staff in the TCU Center for Writing accepts appointments for one-on-one writing tutorials and Online Writing Lab tutorials for students, enhancing student writing across all disciplines and colleges at TCU. In addition, the Center for Writing helps students apply discipline-specific documentation styles to their research papers. They can help your students identify any patterns of grammatical or punctuation errors and help them correct those patterns. The Center for Writing addresses any specific concerns if students have them, and they can usually offer helpful advice on organization, style, and clarity.

Click here to learn more.

Library Instruction for your Students

Librarians provide in-depth research training specifically related to your course topic to your students.

Click here to learn more.

Center for Digital Expression

Staff members in TCU’s Center for Digital Expression (CDEX) can help Graduate Instructors develop and refine a multimodal assignment and/or syllabus for their students. Staff members also host open hours in the CDEX lab for students that want assistance completing a multimodal assignment. In addition, Graduate Instructors who need access to a computer classroom to facilitate hands-on work with computers may reserve the Center for Digital Expression for up to four weeks of class sessions a semester, with the exception of the last two weeks of the semester when demand for open lab time is heaviest.

Click here to learn more.

Don’t Cancel that Class

Called away on business? Attending a conference? Family obligations? There’s no need to cancel your class! Whether you will be away for the day or want a complimentary presentation for your course curriculum, the Don’t Cancel That Class program can help. Provided by the Division of Student Affairs, these hour-long presentations cover a variety of topics and are designed to increase students’ developmental knowledge and skills.

Click here to learn more.

Title IX Resources

Texas Christian University (TCU) is committed to providing a positive learning, living and working environment free from discrimination and harassment.  In support of this commitment, TCU prohibits a range of behaviors, including unlawful discrimination and harassment based on age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, ethnic origin, disability, predisposing genetic information, covered veteran status, and any other basis protected by law, except as permitted by law.  TCU also prohibits unlawful sexual and gender-based harassment and violence, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and stalking.

Click here to learn more.

Koehler Center Library

The Koehler Center Library houses a collection of current books and journals on subjects such as active learning, online learning, course development, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. Materials may be checked out by TCU faculty and students between 8:00 am-5:00 pm, Monday–Friday.

Click here to learn more.

Click here to view a schedule of pedagogical workshops and events hosted by the Koehler Center for Instruction, Innovation, and Engagement.